Columbia Gorge

Wauna Point

Length: 5 miles
Low Point: 200'
High Point: 3700'
Season: Spring/Summer/Fall
Scenery: 3/5

Difficulty: 3.6/5

Submitted by: Forrest


Take the Bonneville Dam exit (exit 40), turn south (away from the river) before turning left onto road 777. Follow this gravel, and sometimes rough, road for 2.4 miles to to the trailhead on the left side of the road.

Trail Description

The trail follows a small creek past several small waterfalls for the first portion of the trail, and then cuts through a very lush canyon. The trail soon passes under a string of powerlines, and starts switchbacking up the hill. After 2.3 miles, a trail forks to the left for 0.8 miles, providing access to Wauna Pt. If continuing to Dublin Lake, continue straight for for 2.0 miles, until meeting up with a the Tanner Cutoff Trail. Continue straight on the same trail for a short distance, and take the trail on the left for 0.4 very steep miles to the lake. The lake, which is surrounded by Rhododendrons, contains several campsights which can be found at both the near and far ends of the lake. Hikers can either return the way they came, or after climbing back up to the main trail, go straight and descend down towards Tanner Creek and Road 777. Walk north on Road 777 for two miles to the trailhead.


the Tanner Cut off Trail is very overgrown and not maintained. If doing the loop hike, it is recommended to decend the Tanner Cut-off trail, as it is easier to follow down, than it would be to asscend.
2005-01-31 08:20:49
You can't drive up the gravel road to the old trailhead anymore, so getting to Tanner Butte, Dublin Lake, and Wauna Point just became 4.8 miles longer!
2004-11-15 10:21:12
"the trail forks to the left for 0.8 miles, providing access to Wauna Pt" --this is not well marked so be sure to keep an eye out for it so you know to NOT take it.
2004-07-21 15:21:53


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